Team & Contact

Felix Kolbitz

Country Director

Abdullah Dayo

Programme Advisor

Abdullah Dayo, is a strong advocate of social justice and democracy, currently working as Program Advisor at Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) Pakistan office. In this context, he is responsible for Social Justice, Economy, Governance and Democracy projects. He has studied political economy development and foreign policy analysis at the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy, University of Erfurt, Germany. Previously, he has worked with UNICEF, Oxfam, World Vision International and on different projects led by European Commission in Pakistan

Sidra Saeed

Programme Advisor

Sidra Saeed has done M.Phil from Quaid-i-Azam University. Since 2011, she has been working as Programme Advisor FES Pakistan on various projects aiming at strengthening democracy through media reforms, empowering local governance system, promoting peace and tolerance among youth, civic education and engagement and supremacy of the constitution of Pakistan. Apart from that, she is the Gender Coordinator at Asia regional level for FES Pakistan office. Additionally, she has been the in-charge of the internships at office.

Hamayoun Khan

Programme Advisor

Mr. Hamayoun Khan is working as Programme Advisor  since 2020. Previously has served at the Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI) from 2005- 2010 as a Research fellow at China Study Centre and East Asia. He has also served with the Australian High Commission Islamabad as Media and Political officer and has taught at the National Defense University, Islamabad, Pakistan for 10 years. He holds Masters and MPhil degrees in Defense and Strategic Studies from the Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad, and is a graduate of the ‘Executive Course’ from Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies, Honolulu, USA(2008).

Qurat-ul-ain Zahid

Head of Finance and Accounts

Sadia Farooq

Manager Finance and Programme Administration

Shoukat Ali

Manager Logistics and Office Administration

Faisal Rashid

IT, Communication & Administration Assistant

Tariq Mehmood

Office Assistant and Driver

Salamat Masih

Office Helper

Razzaq Sharif

Office Helper and Cleaner

Pakistan Office

P.O. Box 1289
Islamabad, Pakistan

+92 51 2803391-4

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