
FES Pakistan is Nominating Asma Jehangir as an Icon of Gender Justice of Pakistan

History is full of extraordinary women, but their stories are seldomly told. In Asia as elsewhere the icons of political and social struggles that are talked about in school...

History is full of extraordinary women, but their stories are seldomly told. In Asia as elsewhere the icons of political and social struggles that are talked about in school or media are overwhelmingly male. Nonetheless, there are also many women who accomplished outstanding achievements and made great sacrifices for their beliefs, often against high odds. In many cases these women inspired others and made a long-lasting impact on their societies.
As part of a regional project in Asia, with this graphic short story, we want to share their inspiring message of Asma Jehangir’s contribution towards gender equality in Pakistan.
Asma Jehangir - A Giant in the Global Human Rights Movement


Please find the other graphic novels of icons in Korea, the Philippines, Mongolia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Bangladesh, Nepal, India, China  and Afghanistan on the website of our regional project: https://asia.fes.de/news/gender-icons

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