Monday, 14.12.2020 - Wednesday, 16.12.2020

Three Days Workshop on, "ISO -140001:2015, Environmental Management System Standard and Environmental Legislation in Pakistan" In collaboration with FES Pakistan and NILAT

The knowledge about labour law and related topics in Pakistan is not fully developed.


The knowledge about labour law and related topics in Pakistan is not fully developed. Employers, labour unions, governmental labour administration and society often lack the knowledge required to fulfil their respective roles properly, and according to Pakistani law and regulations. When key stakeholders are not fully aware about their legal rights and duties, this weakens fruitful cooperation, and undermines general governance in Pakistan.


This project will contribute to help train Representatives of in two key areas:

  • (a) Social accountability Standard and International Labour Standards, and
  • (b) Environmental Management System Standard, National Environmental Quality Standards and Environmental legislation.

The specific objectives are:

  • 1) To develop a class of competent Labour Administrators, Trade Union Leaders, Industrial Managers, women entrepreneurs and Media Representatives, to become capable of preforming well in responsible positions in the various echelons of Administrative Hierarchy of both Public and private sector organizations of the country.
  • 2) After attending the training program, participants will be able to handle complex Labour problems in the context of Social accountability Standard and International Labour Standards (ILS) based on Labour Laws and lLO Conventions and Recommendations.
  • 3) The participants will be able to address the environmental issues in the context of ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management System Standard, National Environmental Quality Standards and Environmental legislation.

Pakistan Office

P.O. Box 1289
Islamabad, Pakistan

+92 51 2803391-4

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