Authored by Nazeer Mahar and Tarik Malik

Changing Patterns of Political Dynamics in Pakistan

Exploring Grassroots Social and Political Realities

Social and political change are closely linked to each other. When society gets more educated, for instance, or when the middle classes are growing, this will change not just society, but also politics. It will change the atmosphere, public debates, and values, and, down the road, it will also change power relationships. What “democracy” means in a “feudal” society, in a society dominated by big business, or in one dominated by the middle classes, will differ considerably. And the spread of literacy or the rise of what we often call “social media” can have grave impact on society and politics alike. At the same time, social and political change can only be fully understood if we appreciate that they occur both at the national/provincial and at local levels. Here we are less concerned with the fact that they are also deeply embedded in global developments, because those are widely discussed anyway, in many countries. The local level of society and politics, on the other hand, is often ignored or not fully taken into account. It should not be forgotten, that even national politics e.g. national elections, is firmly rooted in local circumstances and changes. While national trends surely play an important role, so also do local conditions, local interests, and local power relationships. In Pakistan, more than in some other countries, local considerations play a big role in regard to both provincial and national elections and politics. The dialectics between national and local politics have not always been fully appreciated.

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