
Breaking the bondage

Breaking the bondage

bonded labour situation and the struggle for dignity of brick kiln workers in Pakistan
Islamabad, 2013

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Building the "Economy of tomorrow"

Iqbal, Asif

Building the "Economy of tomorrow"

report of the first meeting of the Pakistan Panel, 21 - 22 October 2013
Islamabad, 2013

Download publication (700 KB, PDF-File)

Asian media barometer

Asian media barometer

the first home grown analysis of the media landscape in Asia ; Pakistan 2012
Islamabad, 2012

Download publication (1,4 MB PDF-File)

New media vs. old politics

Michaelsen, Marcus

New media vs. old politics

the internet. social media, and democratisation in Pakistan
Berlin;Bonn, 2011

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Media monitor <Urdu>

Islamabad;Bonn, 2009

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Asian media barometer

Asian media barometer

the first home grown analysis of the media landscape in Asia : Pakistan 2009
KualaLumpur;Bonn, 2010

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FM radio broadcasting in Pakistan

FM radio broadcasting in Pakistan

Islamabad, 2009, 2010

Download publication (1,7 MB PDF-File)

A Pakistani perspective on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation

Nayyar, A. H.

A Pakistani perspective on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation

Berlin;Bonn, 2008

Download publication (605 KB, PDF-File)



promoting democracy, peace and social justice
Islamabad;Bonn, 2008

Download publication (730 KB, PDF-File)

Newspapers monitoring report

Newspapers monitoring report

Islamabad;Bonn, 2009

Download publication (2,1 MB PDF-File)

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