
Growth and inequality in Pakistan

Pasha, Hafiz A.

Growth and inequality in Pakistan

volume I
Islamabad, 2018

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Briefing paper "Women in the informal economy in Pakistan"

Khan, Aliya Hashmi

Briefing paper "Women in the informal economy in Pakistan"

Chalking out ways to bridge the disconnect between the feminist movement, the workers' organizations and political parties
Islamabad, 2018

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Implementation of the 18th constitutional amendment

Manzoor, Muhammad Rizwan; Amin, Fahd; Shah, Tayyab

Implementation of the 18th constitutional amendment

Briefing paper on "regulatory authorities"
Islamabad, 2018

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Pakistan - trade performance under the GSP+

Khan, Kishwar

Pakistan - trade performance under the GSP+

Islamabad, 2018

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Trade and compliance of labour standards in global supply chains

Ghaus, Khalida; Memon, Manzoor Hussain; Iqbal, Muhammad Asif

Trade and compliance of labour standards in global supply chains

A case study of Pakitan
Islamabad, 2017

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Institutional reforms in Pakistan

Sherani, Sakib

Institutional reforms in Pakistan

The missing piece of the development puzzle
Islamabad, 2017

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GSP plus and labour standards in Pakistan

GSP plus and labour standards in Pakistan

Executive summary : the chasm between conditions and compliance
Islamabad, 2017

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[Implementation of the 18th constitutional amendment

[Implementation of the 18th constitutional amendment

position papers on selected subjects: civil service, oil and gas resources, Council of Common Interests, education/curriculum]
Islamabad, 2017

Download publication (36 MB, PDF-File)

Implementation of the 18th constitutional amendment

Implementation of the 18th constitutional amendment

position papers on selected subjects: civil service, oil and gas resources, Council of Common Interests, education/curriculum
Islamabad, 2017

Download publication (33 MB, PDF-File)

GSP plus and labour standards in Pakistan

GSP plus and labour standards in Pakistan

Interim report 2016
Islamabad, 2017

Download publication (50 MB, PDF-File)

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